21. September 2020
Skateboarders are amazing people; they embody a form of learning, leading, creativity, and being free spirited in a very unique way. Though the modern, grown up world may not necessarily be designed for their needs and aspirations. At early age you are likely having a blast in life; you can do whatever you love, look good, and the city is your playground. Also at an early age, but after that, maybe in your early or mid twenties there might be some priorities coming: job, relationship, family,...
25. August 2020
Looking into my values back then to find out what really wants me to keep up with skateboarding
28. July 2020
The Walt Disney Strategy is a creative NLP process developed by Robert Dilts. It contains three positions which enrich each other in this order: 1. the Dreamer who just dreams 2. the Realist who takes action and 3. the Critic who adds constructive critic to the plan.
In a recent application I also allowed to add the opposites which might be the Destroyer / Anarchist, the Linger, the Cynic. Reason for this is to fully experience this positions and limitations in order to provide more choices.
13. June 2020
What happens in the moment before a compulsive behaviour got triggered? What happened in the moment before the compulsive behavior get triggerd?
And how would it be if new choices could be added?
To explore answers of to the above question we can look into NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) where the Pragmagraphic Swish Design Pattern could be an ideal tool.
05. June 2020
When I did my NLP Practitioner training the S.C.O.R.E. Model was one of my favorite models and one I used in meetups and practice groups. Developed in 1987 by Robert Dilts and Todd Epstein it is a simple but complete technique which is done on a timeline and defines how we move from problem space to solution space, bring this on a timeline, and add resources into to process to create a transformation. In an upcoming free online workshop on Sunday, June 7th the emphasis is not just to explain...
19. May 2020
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is there to give people more choices. In this session I offer to experience some selected techniques to serve you. In times of change we may have developed new resources since we distanced due to the Coved pandemic. We may have new aims or must address our live with a maximum of flexibility. My aim is to support you developing more choices and experiences. This workshop is free and may aim is to help paying forward the learning received to help yourself and...
19. May 2020
A dynamic vinyasa flow class based on the six-step model of generatove change
29. April 2020
“Nourishing Wholeness in Men” is a new group for Men willing to open to their wholeness - please join Friday for our first meeting via Zoom.
21. April 2020
In this video I share my COACH state practice - a generative state that helps you to be the best version of yourself.
14. April 2020
Updates of practice groups and a poem I have written.