Wholeness Coaching


“Every behaviour has a positive intention. People act from their best choice perceived at any given moment.”

NLP Presuppositions.



loving all of yourself
How would it be for you to fully love yourself, feel at peace and in harmony without regrets and self doubt?

My coaching helps you to welcome and build a connection to all there is. While your talents and success factors are here to be strengthened, your struggles also need to be acknowledged and integrated to reach your full potential. Often the best talents and resources were created due to our biggest suffering and challenges.

authentically living your full potential, set intentions, live your calling, without beating yourself up
What is your true longing or life calling about? My coaching helps you to work on your goal in a way that you build passion and enthusiasm for the journey towards, and develop meaning and understanding in why you do what you do.
Your ambitions are welcome and I support your success. And yet, you don't have to push, pump, and exhaust yourself to reach your destination. Rather I help you to find ways to transform your obstacles and let them join along your winning journey. This may involve working with limiting beliefs and nourishing your wholeness.  

freeing yourself from inner impulsivity, and welcoming all of yourself
Do you over-react, sabotage yourself, feel over controlling or engage in unwanted behaviors. Often the wound is the gift. By identifying positive intention, and bringing awareness and kindness to the wounded parts I help you to appreciate these so that your shadows become complementaries that serve your intentions and living your best self.

building better connections to others or groups
Do you feel shy, awkward, judged, or not fitting in with certain people or groups? You are not alone! With a tendency hiding myself, particularly when things do not go in my favor, I was in situations where I felt I was losing the connection. My coaching aims to sponsor and enrich your choices building connection to groups or significant others.




Neuro-Linguistic Programming is there to give people more choices. We all have our own nervous system and language patterns as well as cognitive programs which we have uniquely developed over our lifetime; or subjective experience of reality.

Rooted in therapeutic techniques NLP helps you to gain a wider understanding about yourself and others by experiencing different perspectives, observing reality from different viewpoints, becoming aware and moving beyond cognitive filters and blocks, access optimal states, transform limiting beliefs, nourishing your identity, discover your vision and calling and much more.

I am trained on a Master Practitioner level and have experience running my own practice group.


Generative Coaching


Genertavie Coaching is a type of holistic coaching in which you connect to your whole self, set an intention and hold difficult feelings and shadows. Your resources and shadows create complementaries. These and your intention form a creative resource that lead to profoundly new outcomes, which in return can be applied in a consistent daily practice.
I am a Practitioner of Generative Change and have done work with the two founders, Robert Dilts and Stephen Gilligan.


Core Values and Principles


Compassion: being kind and compassionate to ourselves is at the heart of my coaching practice. It makes the difference caring for yourself and stop beating yourself up, sabotaging, or indulging in unwanted behavior. It also has an element of standing up for what is important and setting boundaries.


Responsibility: in order to effectively change it is essential that you take responsibility for what happened to you. Being "coachable" requires to take on responsibility.


Curiosity: you are in the center of the coaching work and I hold the space for you to explore. From a place of being curious what is possible I guide you with the aim to let you find more choices, understanding intentions, and living your best self. Holding the space so that your uniqueness can unfold is at the core of each session.



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